Large Specimen Trees
Allee Elm 6-7in
Bosque Elm 6-7in
Camellia japonica
Deodar Cedar 20-25ft
Deodar Cedar 20-25ft
Deodar Cedar Cultivar
Drake Elm 6-7in
Ligustrum 10-12ft
Live Oak 6-8in
Live Oak 8-10in
Live Oak character
branching 8-9in
Live Oak character
branching 8-9in
Mary Nell Holly 10-12ft
Nellie Stevens Holly
October Glory 5-6in
Red Cedar 14-18ft
Shumard Oak 8-10in
Std. Crape Myrtle
Natchez 4-5in
Std. Crape Myrtle 5-6in
Std. Magnolia 6-7in
Std. Magnolia 6-7in
Weeping Willow 5-6in
Willow Oak 8-9in
Windmill Palm6-8ft
In addition to the trees shown in these availabilities, we can locate any other tree or plant you might need.